Golden Gate
Spiritualist Church
Celebrating bringing the light of truth to the world for 101 years in 2025
The Golden Gate Spiritualist Church is blessed with beautiful, unique stained glass windows in the Clay Street entrance, thanks to the inspiration and artistic dedication of June Johnson and Bethany Decof. Each door and side window panel and the transom light have incredibly detailed and colorful glass work, all with symbolic meanings.
We are all fortunate to experience the light and color these wonderful windows bring to our church,
thanks to the artistic ability and generosity of June and Bethany.
The stained glass window symbolic design is based upon Rev. Florence Becker's Faculties of Being. The image on the east side of the doorway is unique to our Golden Gate Spiritualist Church. It represents fourteen sets of three inseparable qualities, which form the Faculties of Being described by Rev. Becker as she received the information from the spirit world. Rev. Becker taught these faculties form our spiritual body and the development of each faculty is related to the energetic qualities of a specific chakra.
The lilies depict these faculties in the order she described, from bottom to top.
The enclosed yellow, blue and green triangles represent spiritual aspiration, mental gift received and the physical expression of that gift.
The color of the central triangle indicates the related human energy center, as symbolically depicted in the panel on the west side of the door.
The description is complex, yet by concentrating on them one at a time in preparation for meditation, they provide a proven basis for a lifetime of continuing unfoldment.