Golden Gate
Spiritualist Church
Celebrating bringing the light of truth to the world for 101 years in 2025

We appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity.
The Golden Gate Spiritualist Church is a non-profit organization dependent on your generosity to keep our church doors open and our services scheduled. All donations are gratefully accepted.
You may donate during the church service, or through PayPal.
You may also send a check to:
Golden Gate Spiritualist Church
1901 Franklin Street,
San Francisco, California 94109

If you would like to make a donation online, please use the
donate button or PayPal QR code below to proceed to PayPal, or click on the link to proceed to Venmo QR code or website.

To donate through Venmo, please click on the link to go to the QR code or site.
To donate through PayPal, please click on the button
or scan the QR code.

The Golden Gate Spiritualist Church is a 122 year old building, and requires constant upkeep for the church doors to remain open.
Recently, thanks to donations and fund raising efforts, the nearly derelict garage door and opener have been replaced.
Another compelling project recently completed as the renovation of the rear deck, steps, ramp and refurbishment of the covered porch, adjacent to the downstairs kitchen. The crumbling porch enclosure windows and walls were removed to reveal
the original porch roof and pillars. The damaged and worn deck was demolished and replaced with
new decking, new guardrail and handrail. New steps and a ramp have been installed. This renovation and refurbishment has provided a welcoming outdoor deck and covered porch for after service refreshments and meetings.
An ongoing concern is the roof. It was recently repaired, but the recent torrential rains have
revealed a new leak.This is currently under investigation and repair.
Our windows are in great need of being renovated. Two window frames have been replaced
and the other window frames on the first floor are being repaired.
Now we have an urgent need to paint the two story building, re-mortar the brick foundation walls,
repair or replace the metal fire escape, repair or replace the sidewalks around the building,
and renovate and correct the church sign at the corner of Clay and Frankling Streets.
These are all very necessary projects for the church, enabling us to keep the doors open, and to continue to serve you.
We appreciate any and all donations towards the maintenance and building fund
to help fund these necessary and very expensive projects.
If you have questions, please contact us. We'll be glad to give you a tour!
We appreciate all you can do to help us keep our doors open, to benefit us all.